Plank Fitness Test

Note: Ensure you are well before you attempt this fitness test. If you feel any discomfort, cease the activity immediately and get medical attention. Read and understand the Safety & Indemnity form before you proceed further. Remember, your health is a priority!


Plank helps in improving your balance and posture. It targets all the muscles you need such as your neck, chest, back, shoulders and core, to maintain proper posture. In addition, strengthening your core will also reduces the chances of having back pain as they also strengthen your back muscles.



Purpose: Assess your back and core muscular endurance and stability

Items Needed: Stopwatch and a partner to time the assessment.

How to perform the test?

  1. Place your forearms on the ground with elbows aligned with your shoulders and arms about shoulder width apart.
  2. Lift yourself from the ground and start the timer.
  3. Ensure back is straightened and core is engaged while breathing normally. 
  4. Hold as long as you can and record time once your body touches the floor.

Take the test and see how you fare! Fill up the form below to get your results.


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